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second chambers中文是什么意思

用"second chambers"造句"second chambers"怎么读"second chambers" in a sentence


  • 第二院,上议院


  • Structural reliability analysis on the second chamber of shuikou shiplock
  • Along the central axis there are the porch , entrance hall , middle hall , main hall , the first chamber room , the second hall and the second chamber room . each hall has an entry and between two halls there is an open lane tianjing , on which a little attic with a wing or dormer window is constructed for skylight and air circulation
  • Along the central axis there are the porch , entrance hall , middle hall , main hall , the first chamber room , the second hall and the second chamber room . each hall has an entry and between two halls there is an open lane ( tianjing ) , on which a little attic with a wing or dormer window is constructed for skylight and air circulation
用"second chambers"造句  
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